Mama June: Disappointed with Mom? Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson says she can only count on her sisters

In a Instagram story published yesterday, ‘Mama June From Not to Hot’ star Alana Honey ‘Boo Boo’ Thompson demonstrated her disappointment about the world.

The girl, now 14, has published a photo compilation of two of her sisters (Jessica and Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Shannon), her niece and her brother-in-law, with this caption:

“Honestly, these are the only ones I can trust and I know they will support me when I fall. I always thought I had so many friends, but now I realize they are not by my side as I thought, but these four people are.”

Remembering that Alana’s mother, June ‘Mama June’ Shannon, has just been indicted for possession and use of narcotics.

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